Quotes from the Movie The Game Plan

You don't get abs like these eating peanut butter patties.

Joe Kingman

What did you put in those cookies?

Joe Kingman

Cinnamon? I'm allergic to cinnamon!

Joe Kingman

You're sowry? I'm talking like this and all you can say is you're sowry?

Joe Kingman

I'm not giving you 28 grams of empty carbohydrates. We do not do simple sugars in this house.

Joe Kingman

Well, my dad never let me have sugar.

Joe Kingman

You get into people's minds, JUST LIKE HER!

Joe Kingman

I thought you were dead.

Joe Kingman

I have an answer for your question Peyton. Win or lose today, you're the best thing that's ever happened to me.

Joe Kingman

Aw, Peyton. I won much more than that.

Joe Kingman

Um, milk, flour, eggs, cinnamon.

Peyton Kelly

I'm allergic to nuts.

Peyton Kelly

Stupid is a mean word.

Peyton Kelly

But I'm a kid and kids love sugar. I mean, the simpler, the better.

Peyton Kelly

Aww. Is that why you never smile?

Peyton Kelly

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